This is a great clip. If you truly have good tastes but get frustrated by your lack of ability to produce something that is up to your own expecting? Do no give up. Get pass the beginner's ability gap.
How to be an Expert, in Tai Chi
Reading Kathy Sierra's post on How to be an expert reminds me of my priactising Tai Chi. I do and teach Tai Chi. I am by no mean an expert. Far from it, I learn something new every time I do it or teach it. From a non practitioner's POV, Tai Chi may seems slow and boring. "How long does it take to learn to rise your arms from your sides to the front?" -- Answer -- a very long time. Such a simply movement contains so many details that maybe too subtle to see, but not too subtle to learn and improve. The richness of Tai Chi makes it fun to climb that path to becoming an "expert".
How fresh is the Coffee?
How about a coffee maker that remembers, and display, the time when the coffee is brewed? That is one question that is most asked around a coffee machine at the office. Come on, Braun, Krups, you can do it!
My Camera should talk to
Just found out I left my Kompact Flash/PCMCIA adaptor card at home. So I cannottake any more pictures on my Canon S100. My phone talks to my Palm and to my laptop via infraRed. Why don't they put a IR port in the digital camera? Or use Bluetooth? But most devices now have IR port built-in, and drivers are ready.