Forget Dr Gregory House, watch Doc Martin

In the times of Downton Abbey, let me call your attention to another great British TV Series: Doc Martin. It is a clean (kids friendly) funny and satirical show that also packed with medical knowledge as a side product. It is what Kingdom to Law as Doc Martin to medicine. The show is available streaming on all platforms, Hulu Plus, Amazon and Netflix. I was avoiding the show initially because the show's description made it sounds like it is about a mean character surviving in a small town. I hate show that has mean characters. That's why I can never watch the Office. However after watching Murder in Suburbia, I looked up what other shows Caroline Catz stars in and found Doc Martin (again). Description on wikipedia mentioned that the main character is supposed to be from Imperial College. Well then I have to give it a go.

Four episodes later, I have to say this is one of the best show. If you like high brow humor, English villages, medical terms, people with heart, quirky characters, family friendly, men in suites, this is the show for you.