Visit to Wilson Daily Prep

Last week Renee, and I took a short day trip to Chappaqua, New York to visit Laura at her new (to me anyways) office of Wilson Daily Prep). I visited her first office when we first started working on WilsonDailyPrep a few years back. How quickly time passes. Chappaqua is about thirty minutes from NYC and in a beautiful town. WDP is located on a walking street downtown lined with interesting cafe's and small businesses. The new WilsonDailyPrep office was a former bank. While it is on the ground floor, it has floor to ceiling windows. It looks like the ground has been dug out so from the inside it seems like you are in a nature observatory (see pictures below). Just like the loft here it can get warm with all the windows. But just like the loft here, I love the light and won't give that up for anything.

Laura is always busy. There have been times that Laura has traveled to our office for 9 in the morning, leaving Chappaqua as early as 5 AM. It's only fair that we take the drive down for a change to save her some time. Of course we got lost a little and was late. I blame the iPhone. It is no match for a real GPS.


The second to last picture is outside the front door of WilsonDailyPrep from the Graph It Forward campaign to give tools to underprivileged students. WDP has gotten tons of SAT prep books by donors.