I recently started getting the error Wide character in print at $MT/lib/MT/FileMgr/Local.pm line 88 when I update my blog entries. I get the error when Movabletype try to ping Movabletype.org to tell them there is an update to my blog. I am using Movable Type 2.6.
After Googling around, the only help I can find are all foreign pages. This page in Japanese is particularly useful. You don't have to understand Japanese -- just add the bold lines (the elseif.... part) to your Local.pm file.
If that site is down, here is my version:
if ($fmgr->is_handle($from)) { while (my $len = read $from, my($block), 8192) { print FH $block; $bytes += $len; } }
Add this part:
elsif(utf8::is_utf8($from)) { utf8::encode($from); print FH $from; $bytes = length($from);
} else { print FH $from; $bytes = length($from); } close FH; umask($old); $bytes;
Double check your curly brackets. Email me if you need more help! Backup your file first !!.