Audio Products in Tokyo -- Sony NetMD and Bose
Sony is at it again. There are now several different NetMD related model of desktop sound system. They are called SoundGates. The basic NetMD is a MD (Mini Disc) recorder/player that has a USB input. So you can record from your PC. Two new models are much more interesting, one is a HD + CD + tunner + amp + mini-speaker system. It will rip CD and stores it on the local hard disk. It also has USB input and optical output so that you can record to a MD recorder. The other one is a CD + tunner + MD + amp + medium speaker system. So you can record from MD or USB to MD. Basically the one without the HD requires a PC to make it really useful. It is the cheaper of the two units of course.
I have seen these advertised in Asia magazine, and in store in Tokyo only.
I have seen these in the States, bu Bose now have audio component systems in a Tokyo audio show room, pushing Bose speakers, of course. What's the most interesting part is that there is a MD player as well. Wonder if the MD unit will be available in the United States? Does this mean that MD will never go away? Personally, while if I get my hand on an iPod I may think about just use that instead of my MD player, MD is just too darn convinient. Such a small player (my new E707) and there is some satisfaction in poping out and poping in a new MD, or flipping through my pile of MDs. Scrolling through a menu is just not the same!