How do you save money? I used to count every cent. Or, rather, I think hard before spending any money. Especially when spending on the little things. Do I really want a Starbucks Coffee for $1.68? Or wait until I get home and make a cup from their beans for 1/10th the cost? I want to buy all the supplies when they are on sale. It is part saving money. Part principles. Part don't want to be cheated with a higher price. This whole process is a trade off between actually money spent/save, the time spent thinking about it, and the time spend saving the money. For example, the 10 seconds spent thinking of driving another 2 miles, spending another 5 minutes driving, to the supermarket to save $75 on a 1/2 gallon of milk. On one hand, it seems absurd to spend that much time thinking and driving and waiting to save so little. On the other hand the more organized you are with those thoughts, the easier it becomes. Being frugal is a state of mind? With a lot of practice like that, one will also tend to be more careful when coming to the most expensive items. Most people who knows that I am doing this think I am silly in doing it. Waste of efforts. As my income increases, and perhaps my time seems more valuable, I tend to be less absolute on trying to save that way. But, very truly, about 50% of the time when I am thinking about s Starbucks coffee I still go through the thinking process in my head. It is not the actual amount of money save or spent. But it is the relative worth of the amount. What does a $3 latte really gets me?